Overview of Activity Log page within Genemod.
Genemod, Summer Internship
Duration               Summer 2020 – 4 months
Projects                Account Payments, Subscription Model, 
Refined Search, and QA Tickets
My Role               UX/UI Design Intern • Adobe XD, Zeplin
Mentor                Tina Lu, Product Designer

Genemod a start-up company that specializes in SaaS the biotech laboratory. Primarily aids in centralizing the workspace online. Migrating legacy systems and excel data. Inventory of virtual freezers, noting of what items are in use and needs of restock. Compiling projects and collaborate on reports in real-time. 

As an intern, I updated the back-end of Accounts regarding payments, billing histories, creation of subscription models and types. Views specifics from the account lead and a team member. Use limitations when downgrading subscriptions or in the event of incomplete payments. Addressed tickets refining search logs, visual ease, filtered displays, and bookmarking reagents.

This Internship will be broken down into sections process and a glimpses on my designs.

A typical work week when assigned a project or ticket to address. With some discrepancies on some projects that take up to 2 weeks to complete due to complexity. Which usually goes between a Design & Evaluate iteration. All assigned projects were designed alone and then consulted with my Product Manager (PM) and Engineer Team.
Downsizing teams when downgrading on a subscription plan.
An overarching assignment I had worked throughout my internship on is understanding Accounts & Subscriptions. Laying out a firm guideline of free accounts can utilization versus a paid subscription for a team of users.

• What are free accounts' abilities and constraints to a paid account?
• How would a free account function after leaving a paid subscription team?
Other assignments Plan of Actions falls under:
• How do I redesign this to create visual ease?
• What is relevant from the main level to the secondary level?

My competitive analysis derived from articles and other businesses' policies. Where there is a definitive limit of freezer access, projects managed, and search features for ease of work flow. How I can make it worth the payment for the features and build upon their teams. Understanding when accounts will experience delays in their work when payments methods are incomplete or missed.
Edge case of payment error. If not addressed within the grace period all accounts will be paused.
I have to think ahead of possible tension that may arise. They might not be common occurrences, but they happen because something slipped through the cracks. Not everything in Design is foolproof. Hiccups happen and I try my best to provide answers to why Users get these prompts.
Account Edge Cases:
• What does it look like when payment is not up to date?
• In the event payment is not fulfilled what our point of action is?
• What is the grace period for account leads to address this issue?
• What does it look like once payments aren't met?
• How is downsizing teams going to affect ongoing projects?
Freezer Edge Cases:
• What does it look like when there are no more available private or public freezers?
• How can I create an opportunity to consider expanding the Team assets?

With a small document, I would meet back with my Project Manager and seek opinions from the Engineering Team. Seeing my findings and route of execution is tangible moving forward. Any other edge cases or user flows that may need to be addressed and squared away in this section of my project.
I prepare for my last meeting to catch everyone up to speed. This meeting usually has the CEO, Engineers, and my Project Manager in one meeting to see the final works. This way any fresh eyes can point out any final details and we know as Interns to higher-ups what is to come of the software. 

With all my screens exported and link my style guides. Annotated on new components or changes, it is neatly packaged through Zeplin. I follow up with documentation Genemod themselves have curated for their personal history on design changes by their Interns. Finalize by ensuring my Zeplin images are live and post all documents through Microsoft Teams.
Bookmarking Collections, streamlining researchers to get to their project reagents faster.
Get lost in the possibilities — 
While it is great to deliver what is asked for the project of the week. I found to have more responsive feedback and productive meeting if I presented more than getting the job done. Ideas albeit extremely supplementary, more conversations were had with the Engineering team and CEO. Some were too much to add to the current project, but high consideration to put into a prototype. It streamlines possible expectations for what to complete next.

When those who can set some time aside to review your work, ask for help. These projects are usually projected to a week's time, the checkups midweek with peer cohort members can be critical. It's possible to get lost in the sauce of work. Once presenting with Engineers comes around and hiccups happen, we get pushback. Also, meaning there are times when you have to stand your ground as some may think the user flow is convoluted or repetitive. While it makes sense to us, may not always streamline effectively for users.
Our group photo of the Q3 2020 cohort :) and we got the great news Genemod was fully backed by our leave.

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